The Blog For My Inner Sixth Grader

Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday Morning Commute

This morning I saw one of the best bumper stickers ever. Well, one of the best bumper stickers today. And it read, "God Bless the Whole Wide World. No Exceptions."

Just for a point of reference, it was affixed to the bumper of a shiny black Lexus, driven by a 60-something man. That's pretty radical, I say. Also commendable. Definitely worth sharing.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Green Eggs and Ham, or, What I Learned on the Way to Work

This morning during my brief but annoying commute, I learned that today is the 50th anniversary of the publishing of Green Eggs and Ham, by Dr. Seuss. And did you know that this book is the fourth most popular children’s book ever published, behind I forget which ones were in third and second place, and The Pokey Little Puppy? Oh, and The Cat in the Hat is not in aforementioned top four? That was a shock.

Green Eggs and Ham was written by the ingenious Dr. Seuss in response to a challenge he was given by a friend. The friend bet him that he couldn’t write a book using fifty words or less. Hah! The rest is history.

The following video clip is included for your entertainment. Okay, it’s actually for my entertainment, but you may be amused. Enjoy!

P.S. I tried to get the Saturday Night Live footage of Jesse Jackson reading the story - but the Embed Code has been disabled. So I had to settle for this. Waa, waa.